Employment Opportunities
Employees Needed!
If you like working outdoors, there may be a job waiting for you at your local tree and lawn care professional company. Click here and search through the various companies located near your home. Each will have different positions available for various lengths of time at various wages. Some jobs do not require any former experience.
Give one or more tree and lawn care companies a call and you may be on your way to a career in horticulture – whether it is part time employment for a few weeks or full time year round. Job opportunities await your call!
If you need additional help, you can contact the office for the Colorado Arborists and Lawn Care Professionals although we do not carry a listing of specific jobs available at any company. Phone: 303-850-7587.
Internships / Career Days
CSU Horticulture Dept.
CSU Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Department hosts a student career day every year in mid-February when employers are invited to come to campus to visit with students as potential employees. Contact information can be found below.
970 491-7179
1173 Campus Delivery, CSU,
Ft. Collins, CO 80523
970 491-7070
1173 Campus Delivery, CSU,
Ft. Collins, CO 80523
College of Agricultural Sciences
Pickens Tech
Internship for any student who wants it, students must have completed ¾ of the required courses before applying. Internships are with private businesses, government agencies (schools, golf courses, parks & rec departments, county or city forestry departments, etc). A job board is maintained at the school so all horticulture announcements can be sent to the following information. A job placement service is also available for all students and former students through the school.
Extension: 27764
Employers wishing to make announcements to students at FRCC may do so in two ways.
3645 West 112 Avenue, Westminster, CO 80031
FRCC’s horticulture program is pleased to acknowledge the ongoing support for scholarships provided by ALCC, CNREF, The Colorado Garden Show Inc., and Happy Transplants Garden Club. If you would like to support a scholarship for FRCC students please contact our Foundation office by calling 303-404-5000.