➡️ 2024 Day of Service

On September 18, 2024, CALCP “Day of Service” joined with Saluting Branches. Over 300 landscape professionals and arborists gathered at Fort Logan National Cemetery for the 10th Annual Saluting Branches event, enhancing the grounds by planting 80 donated trees,...

Day of Service 2023

The CALCP Day of Service is an opportunity to give back to a nonprofit organization that may not have the funds to maintain landscape areas. Giving back is one of our favorite things to do. This year, on April 18, 2023 we were honored to partner with Gateway Domestic...

Day of Service 2022

April 8th, 2022, Members of the Colorado Arborists and Lawn Care Professionals came together today to donate their time and talent to make a difference in our community. Held annually, the CALCP Day of Service finds a non-profit organization that is in need of lawn...

Day of Service 2021

Friday, June 11th, 2021 CALCP “Day of Service” was held at the Red Feather Lakes Veterans Memorial Park. CALCP volunteers gave a weed & feed to about 3-5 acres. Volunteers treated Canada Thistle and injected about 80 to 120 inches total DBH of...

Day of Service 2020

On July 24th, 2020 CALCP’s Day of Service volunteers helped revitalize the Dumb Friends League Quebec Street Shelter’s Remembrance Garden.                                    

Day of Service 2019

Colorado Arborists and Lawn Care Professionals’ (CALCP) 2019 Day of Service in April included two sites: Brookdale Highline Senior Living Solutions, Denver, and Denver Dumb Friends League shelter. Approximately 20 CALCP members donated their time and talent at the two...