Become a Member

When you belong to CALCP, you join the largest tree and lawn care network in Colorado. CALCP provides the tools and resources to help you and your business thrive.

Our SEO is Incredible! When your future clients search online for lawn care Colorado or arborist Colorado, we show up, and our home page directs them to you!


Join Us Today!

Moving to Colorado from Florida, I needed to find a way to quickly plug in to the industry here. CALCP was that way. After joining the organization, I was overwhelmed by the support of our members and how willing they were to help get me up to speed on the goings on here in Colorado. I assure you I would not be where I am now without their support.”

Chris Walton, SavATree

Member Benefits

You will get the opportunity to meet with many other tree and lawn care professionals and establish valuable professional partnerships and relationships. CALCP also supports important research of tree and lawn care issues through direct contact with the industry experts.


  • Networking – connect with other tree and lawn care professionals committed to the highest professional standards for support and advice
  • Lead Generator-our SEO is incredible and directs future clients to our home page, then on to your membership listing
  • Partnerships – access industry suppliers and educators
  • Information – stay on top of the latest industry trends and research
  • Advocacy – lobbying ad legislative efforts to keep pesticides safe, legal and available
  • Education and Training – maintain your Qualified Supervisors and Certified Operators licenses
  • Workforce Development – hire and retain your workforce effectively


Make plans for you and your employees to attend our Spring Training each year. – It’s the event to fulfill education and training requirements and expand your network. Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities available.


Other Member Benefits

How will you stay current?
  • Quarterly CALCP electronic newsletter
  • Annual legislative updates
  • Earn CEC credits at significant savings
  • Training workshops and events
How will you save money?
Member only discounts for:

  • CEC credits earned year-around and at the annual Spring Training conference
  • National Purchasing Partner program where you can save on products for you, your business and your employees
How is CALCP championing the industry and your business interests?
  • CALCP is part of GreenCO, an alliance of trade associations representing all facets of the horticulture and landscape industries. GreenCO advocates for the industry by reviewing proposed legislation, taking positions and developing grassroots action. GreenCO provides expert advice on how to select and properly care for plants and landscapes.

Membership Options to Suit You

Joining CALCP is simple; just select your membership option from the choices below. CALCP offers easy automatic renewal plans.

Regular Member: $180.00   

Any company engaged in the commercial application of fertilizers and pesticides to trees and turf which meets all federal, state, and local licensing requirements.

Any organization or city, other than lawn care companies, interested in the care and maintenance of trees and turf.

Affiliate Member: $245.00  

Any company engaged in selling products or services, wholesale or to the tree and lawn care industry.

Student Member: $30.00  

Any student currently enrolled full-time in a course relating to the care and maintenance of turf.

Code of Ethics

In order to become a member of the Colorado Arborists and Lawn Care Professionals, you must agree and adhere to our Code of Ethics. Our Code of Ethics requires that all members must provide services, recommendations, and information based upon honest, scientific, accurate, and factual knowledge. Any and all false, misleading, or deceptive marketing or advertising practices are strictly prohibited, especially if the deceptive practices damage the reputation of a fellow tree and lawn care professional. And, above all else, our members must be responsible for the protection and preservation of the Earth’s most valuable resource – the environment.


Each member agrees to:


  • Abide by the laws and regulations affecting our industry and to promote their enforcement
  • Be honest, truthful and fair in all business relationships
  • Promote cooperation, good will, and fellowships among our members
  • Refrain from false, misleading or deceptive statements or advertising
  • Voluntarily disclose appropriate product information to employees and the public
  • Support research, technology and education in the tree and turf industry
  • Promote the tree and turf industry as a vital part of the economy, enhancing the beautification of the environment
  • Promote continued professional education of employees
  • Act in a professional manner at all times as representatives of the tree and turf industry


Join us in supporting your Colorado tree and lawn care industry.

You belong at CALCP!